10 AAA State-Nevada

10, 11, 13 "AAA" USSSA State Tournament

To Enter Click HERE

Champion Diamonds
17866 E. Overland Rd
Nevada, MO 64772
417.667.4532 (FAX)

Tournament Dates: July 2nd  thru July 4th

             Thank you for your recent state tournament entry. We want to make this your best tournament experience!

 Make sure you have a copy of
USSSA roster
Birth certificates (10under)

Tournament Brackets:  As soon as received from the State office, schedules will be made. You can obtain this from the web site at www.championdiamonds.com , or e-mailing me atchampiondiamonds@yahoo.com, and by calling Champion Diamonds at 417-667-4993.

We will try to start the tournament at 11am on Friday and will try to keep daily start times at 10:00am.

 All teams should be prepared for a Friday start. This will be posted on the tournament schedule. USSSA pitching is strictly followed. Starts times may be requested, but not guaranteed. Make sure you understand the USSSA pitching rules and proper protest procedure! Tournament pitching will be posted within 15 minutes after each game.

Gate fees are $6/day with a weekend pass available at the gate. Although we have an open gate policy, alcohol will not be allowed in the park. Violators will be ejected for the tournament.

 Tournament T-shirts, with team names will be available in a limited basis at concession stand or may be pre-ordered as a team order. This will be a limited number and you can reserve yours early by calling 417-667-4993. Pre-Orders must be placed no later than one week prior to tournament.

Tournament T's may be pre order at State Tournament T-shirts.

Rain information is posted on the bracket page, otherwise coaches should contact 417-667-4993 prior to the tournament if any questions. 4 tournament passes for coaches will be given, and all coaches must each sign in for passes and must show upon entry to complex.

This is our 20th year hosting USSSA State Tournaments’ and we look forward to your teams’ participation.

 Play Ball ………….. Russ Kemm (tournament director)